With Apples newest business unit being “Dongles” this could be one of the smartest moves they have made in a long time. It makes sense if you read Ars take on the subject. More...
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New $10 Raspberry Pi Zero comes with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth | Ars Technica
I’ve worked with Pi Zero’s before and always been frustrated with them and their lack of connectivity. Well now with an $8 Micro USB OTG hub I can have a much more functional Pi...
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Gallery: Atlanta – Supercross – Racer X Online
RacerX got some killer shots from Atalanta… and my favorite is below… 🙂 Our best from round eight. Source: Gallery: Atlanta – Supercross – Racer X Online ...
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Syma x5sw Playing in the Wind #2 – YouTube
Flying in the wind and doing 180’s with the wind to the back make for some fun, FAST direction changes… and crashes. Flying into the wind is agonizingly slow! ...
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Syma x5sw Playing in the Wind – YouTube
Flying in the wind and doing 180’s with the wind to the back makes for some fun, FAST direction changes! You can certainly tell when I’m flying “into” the wind and when the wind...
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VitalMX PitBits
Vital produces “Pit Bits” for all major US Moto/SX races and its one of the few columns I have every week outside of Matthes’s “Observations” on RacerX. Pit Bits is awesome because it shows closeups...
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What to expect at MWC: Five flagship smartphones and the return of the brick | Ars Technica
Blackberry is taking one more swing at the hardware market, doesn’t look like a terrible phone and has good specs. Probably be good for a person who prefers a hardware keyboard. In the meantime…...
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OnSite: Troy Lee Designs – Racer X Online
Super cool video and image walkthrough of the iconic Troy Lee Designs shop in SoCal. I would love to visit SoCal and see some of these icons of the SX/MX industry! Kyle Scott takes you...
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